问题描述 - 在Windows 10 (64位)系统上有时候发现在使用AVCB01无法预览,但是可以正常录制。
| OneDrive | Dropbox | GoogleDrive | 微云 | 百度云盘 |
此问题处理方式也适用于一驱纵横 U2AUDIO7-1 外置7.1声卡。
1. 从上面提供的下载连接下载DirectX修复工具。
2. 解压后依据电脑系统进行选择运行程序。
3. 运行后请 “Tool" -> " Option" -> 进入Option选项。

5. 点击"OK" 开始修复工作。
| 中文 | EN | DE | ES | FR | IT | JP |
Notice: If the given suggestions can not solve your issue, please send the following inforation to Manufactuer or the Seller
■ Simple Description of Your Issue - A simple description will help us understanding more easily;
■ Computer Model Number - Computer Model Number will help us understanding your PC's configuration.
■ OS Version - An exact OS Version Number will help us understanding the OS quickly;
■ VHS Machine Model Number - Most of the issue with AVCB01 is from the Connection and Driver Installation problems.