DriverGenius U2AUDIO7-1 Sound Card Icon is Missing
hi, i was wondering if there is someone i can talk to about this soundcard. the drivers aren't working properly
Does this one have the open candy Trojan in it like the last one?
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Yeah I downloaded that and it doesn't appear on my apps list or on my desktop. Searching for it is futile. Opening the installer asks me to Uninstall it, which I did and reinstalled, which made it briefly appear and work well but it doesn't anymore
A. The download warning of "Virus" issue now is solved by moving the download server to Amazon's AWS. - So the new download will not alert the mis-leading Virus Iusse. -
B. The simplest solution is re-install the driver and restart pc. Please do not un-Selected
the "Show the audio configuration icon in the system tray."
C. Notice - The Icon appeas only the sound card is connected with the PC.

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